Live with Littlewood – with Douglas Carswell, Toby Young and Madeline Grant

Is it time to say goodbye to the V-shaped recovery, after economic output rose just 1.8% in May? Is the government right to make face masks mandatory? Could the Information Commissioner’s Office be stifling innovation and competition at a time when we need it most? Join our fantastic panel as they discuss all this – and more.

Guests include: Sam Bowman, Senior Fellow, Adam Smith Institute

Douglas Carswell, Good Governance Project

Dia Chakravarty, Brexit Editor, The Telegraph

Madeline Grant, Assistant Comment Editor, The Telegraph

Victoria Hewson, Head of Regulatory Affairs, IEA

Julian Jessop, Independent Economist

Professor Syed Kamall, Academic and Research Director, Institute of Economic Affairs

Tom Whipple, Science Editor, The Times Toby Young, Founder, Free Speech Union

You can read Julian’s recent report, “Rebooting Britain”, here.

Our new briefing paper, “Who Regulates the Regulators?” can be found here.

And the first report from the IEA’s new Regulatory Affairs programme, “Rules Britannia”, can be found here.