Live with Littlewood – Wednesday 20th January

It’s back. As Joe Biden is inaugurated as the 46th President of the United States, what can we expect on Covid-19, foreign policy and the economy?

Here in the UK, is the vaccine being rolled out with enough urgency? With billions of pounds and many lives being lost every week we delay, how can we accelerate the process?

And with reports suggesting the Chancellor is eyeing up tax rises in the March Budget, how do we pull our way out of the economic black hole? When should we turn our attention to balancing the books?

All this and more, 6PM, on 20th January.

On the panel:
Christian Calgie, Reporter, Guido Fawkes
Terry Kibbe, CEO, Free the People
Matt Kilcoyne, Deputy Director, Adam Smith Institute
John O’Connell, CEO, TaxPayers’ Alliance
Calvin Robinson, Senior Fellow, Policy Exchange
Christopher Snowdon, Head of Lifestyle Economics, IEA
Tom Whipple, Science Editor, The Times