Live with Littlewood – Janet Daley, Alex Deane, Robert Colvile and more

Catch up on our sixth episode of Live with Littlewood, which examines the economic recovery, liberty and the lockdown, protests here and across the Pond, and the US’s handling of the Coronavirus crisis. Guests include:
Michael CarnuccioFounderJTK Group; Robert Colvile, Director, Centre for Policy Studies; Janet Daley, Columnist, The Telegraph; Alex Deane, Senior Managing Director, FTI Consulting; Dan Hodges, Commentator, The Mail on Sunday; Terry Kibbe, Chief Executive, Free the People; Matthew Lesh, Head of Research, Adam Smith Institute; John O’Connell, Chief Executive, TaxPayers’ Alliance; Brendan O’Neill, Editor, Spiked. Watch here.