Live With Littlewood

As government intervention and central planning are being used as tools to combat coronavirus, there will be growing calls for parts of the socialist’s handbook to continue once we return to normality. Similarly, there are increasing calls for protectionist measures and a pushback against global supply chains. What challenges do free marketeers face after coronavirus? How do we fight them? How can the UK economy bounce back from this crisis?

IEA Director General Mark Littlewood will be joined by other think tank experts and commentators for a thought-provoking, interactive discussion.


Kate Andrews, Economics Correspondent, The Spectator

Sam Bowman, Director of Competition Policy, ICLE

Tom Clougherty, Head of Tax, Centre for Policy Studies

Tom Harwood, Senior Reporter, Guido Fawkes

Matt Kilcoyne, Deputy Director, Adam Smith Institute

Mark Littlewood, Director General, Institute of Economic Affairs

Kristian Niemietz, Head of Political Economy, Institute of Economic Affairs

John O’Connell, Chief Executive, TaxPayers’ Alliance

Christopher Snowdon, Head of Lifestyle Economics, Institute of Economic Affairs

Oliver Wiseman, US Editor, The Critic