Introducing the IEA’s new ‘Brexit Unit’

Brexit provides a once-in-a-generation opportunity to create a more flexible, open and vibrant economy and set a shining example for other countries.

But a positive outcome is not guaranteed. Brexit could actually lead to more bureaucracy and protectionism rather than less, and the guarantee of a ‘good deal’ is still far from certain.

That’s why the Institute of Economic Affairs is launching a Brexit Unit, to ensure that a strong, free market voice is heard clearly as the UK prepares to leave the European Union.

Lead by the IEA’s Chief Economist Julian Jessop, the Brexit Unit will make the intellectual case for free markets in the many debates that lie ahead – including discussions of the exit terms, the nature of our future relationship with the EU, the optimal approach to migration and the removal of trade barriers with the rest of the world.

The Unit will also tackle domestic issues – including what to do with repatriated powers, the scope for deregulation, and the opportunities to develop more rational policies in sectors from agriculture to financial services.

The IEA has a long and successful track record of analysing and promoting the role of markets in solving economic and social problems. Our Brexit Unit will build on these strengths to make positive contributions at a pivotal time both for the UK economy and the rest of Europe.