How the Left Won the Culture War | Parallax Views | Ep.2

How does culture shape political power? Many Conservatives now fear that victory at the ballot box is not enough. Despite Boris Johnson’s triumph in the 2019 election, they sense that a larger cultural battle has been lost. Some accuse the left of mounting a secret, slow-motion takeover, inspired by the ideas of the Italian communist Antonio Gramsci – the ‘long march through the institutions’.

The New Culture Forum’s new book by Marc Sidwell uncovers the truth: a tangled history in which active subversion runs alongside unintended consequences and missed opportunities. Armed with a clearer understanding of the left’s long march, it also reveals new possibilities for fighting back.

“The Long March Through The Institutions: How the Left Won the Culture War & What To Do About It” may be downloaded free of charge from The New Culture Forum website: