Equal Pay Day: Unravelling the victimhood narrative

STREAM the full podcast here.

DOWNLOAD the briefing for free here.

This year, Saturday November 10th is Equal Pay Day – the day the Fawcett Society calculates that women, on average, essentially start working for free, because of the gender pay gap.  But Office for National Statistics calculated just a few weeks back that the pay gap is the lowest it’s ever been on record. Yet Equal Pay Day hasn’t moved. It’s the same day as it was last year.  A new IEA briefing, written by Associate Director Kate Andrews and Chief Economist Julian Jessop, argues that this is a result of calculating the gender pay gap in order to obtain a figure nearly 60% higher than the official data.

Today, Kate Andrews has put together a podcast to provide ‘alternative listening’ for those who don’t want to engage in fear-mongering around women in the workplace.  Kate brings together women from across the political spectrum, with diverse background and views, but who all agree on one thing – that’s that there’s a posisitve story to tell about women who work. She asks them all: ‘What positive message do you want to send to women today’, and also asks them for a practical policy proposal to help tackle the issues that working women still face.  If you like what you hear, subscribe to our iTunes channel, IEA Conversations.

Download the IEA briefing, ‘The Gender Pay Gap: 2018 Briefing”, for free here.