Brexit Advisor: Boris Johnson, Negotiations & COVID Lockdowns with Lord Frost | The Swift Half Show

In this episode of The Swift Half, host Christopher Snowdon sits down with Lord Frost, the former Chief Brexit Negotiator and Europe Adviser to Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Lord Frost provides an insider’s perspective on the chaotic Brexit negotiations under Theresa May’s government, the mistakes made, and how he helped reset the talks when joining Boris Johnson’s team in 2019. He discusses the sticking points like the Irish backstop, the EU’s unwillingness to compromise, and how a no-deal threat was needed to get concessions.

The conversation then turns to Lord Frost’s time advising Boris Johnson during the COVID-19 pandemic and the push for lockdowns at the end of 2021 with measures like vaccine passports. Lord Frost resigned over this issue on principle, discussing the immense pressure despite low threat levels from Omicron and his frustrations with cost/benefit analysis being lacking. He reflects on whether the public would accept future lockdowns.

Finally, Lord Frost gives his thoughts on nanny state policies like minimum alcohol pricing, the mission creep of European courts creating laws around areas like climate change, and the need for reform of the House of Lords appointment system.