Breaking down the Oxfam Inequality Report 2024 | Expert analysis

Embark on an enlightening journey delving into the intricate world of global inequality and economic narratives with Reem Ibrahim, the Communications Officer and Linda Whetstone Scholar, alongside Professor Len Shackleton. Join this insightful exploration of Oxfam’s latest report, Inequality Inc: How Corporate Power Divides Our World and the Need for a New Era of Public Action.

In a riveting discussion with Professor Len Shackleton, a renowned Economics Professor at the University of Buckingham and Editorial Research Fellow, this episode meticulously unpacks Oxfam’s recommendations. Topics include a 60% tax on income from stocks and shares, a global minimum wealth tax, permanent taxation of excess profits, and the nationalisation of key sectors.

Witness Professor Shackleton critically scrutinising the report’s methodology, challenging prevailing narratives about worsening global inequality. The conversation adeptly navigates the intricacies of wealth measurement, delves into the nuances differentiating poverty from inequality, and assesses the potential impact of proposed tax policies on pension funds and investment portfolios.

Embark on a journey to discover the historical context behind Oxfam’s annual reports, emphasizing their relentless focus on inequality and the evolving nature of poverty measurements. Engage in a discussion that unpacks the clash between the demonization of wealthy individuals and the indispensable role of cooperation, free trade, and wealth creation in fostering prosperity.