What Could Independence Mean for Scotland’s Economy?


  • 08/06/2018
    12:45 - 13:45
The question of Scottish Independence remains at the top of the Scottish political agenda – a topic particularly pressing now given the UK’s impending exit from the EU, set for next year.

Opponents to independence argue that it is in the economic interest of both England and Scotland to continue the union but this seemingly ignores the fact that an independent Scotland would be around the fiftieth largest economy in the world, richer than South Korea and Spain.

What opportunities exist for an independent Scotland, not only outside of the union but also outside of the EU? What economic challenges will it face? And what measures will ensure economic success and prosperity outside of the union?

Our Director General Mark Littlewood will be speaking at the SNP Conference, alongside journalist George Kerevan, Kirsty Blackman MP and Joan McAlpine MSP.


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