Up in Smoke: the Future of UK Tobacco Harm Reduction


  • UK Harm Reduction
    18:00 - 19:00
On Monday 29th March, from 18:00 – 19:00 BST, the Institute of Economic Affairs is delighted to host a discussion on the future of the UK tobacco harm reduction policy. Our panel of expert guests will consider how the UK can uphold its international standing on harm reduction, and what measures are needed to improve current regulations. Join us to discuss what our new harm reduction policy should be now we have left the EU, and what divergence is needed to empower smokers to embrace safer alternative products. Join Christopher Snowdon (Chair), alongside Mark Pawsey MP (Chair of the APPG on Vaping), Martin Cullip (Chair of the New Nicotine Alliance), and Clive Bates (Director of Counterfactual).

If you would like to watch this event on YouTube please click here.

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