The End of the Age of Entitlement: A Decade Later with The Hon. Joe Hockey


  • 23/10/2023
    18:00 - 20:30
In April 2012, then-Shadow Treasurer, Joe Hockey, delivered a speech to the Institute of Economic Affairs in London entitled “The End of The Age of Entitlement“. Hockey spoke about the unsustainable nature of universal entitlements that have been ignored for years.

The speech was judged one of the most important speeches by an Australian in the last 100 years.

Just over a decade later, Hockey is returning to the IEA to revisit this thesis. In the context of the ongoing global economic challenges, Hockey will discuss the future of our global economy and the role of governments in the wake of recent events.

About Joe Hockey

The Hon. Joe Hockey served as Treasurer of Australia (2013-15) and Australia’s Ambassador to the United States of America (2016-2020). He was a member of the Australian Parliament for over 20 years and was appointed to numerous Cabinet roles, including Minister for Workplace Relations, Minister for Human Services and Minister for Small Business and Tourism. He is now the Founding Partner & Global President of Bondi Partners, a strategic advisory firm with a presence in Australia, the United States and the United Kingdom

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