Political and Economic Challenges of Venezuela


  • 30/10/2019
    18:00 - 20:00
The Institute of Economic Affairs is delighted to invite you to our upcoming event with Jorge Jraissati on Wednesday 30th October, from 6-8pm, who will be discussing the ‘Political and Economic Challenges of Venezuela’

Venezuela is currently facing the worst dictatorial regime in Latin America. Moreover, its economic collapse is the worst in the modern history of the western hemisphere. As a result, Jorge will not only explain how  Venezuelans plan to reconquer their democracy and rebuild their economy but also share some lessons from the Venezuelan experience applicable to other nations. Why is the Venezuelan economy ruined? How and why did Venezuela become socialist?

These are among the questions that Jorge will discuss it with us on 30th October at 18:00. Join us!

Jorge Jraissati is the President of the Venezuelan Alliance, an international platform for initiatives advancing freedom, human rights and economic development in Venezuela. Jorge’s work has focused on raising international awareness about the importance of achieving a free and democratic Venezuela and he has been invited as a guest lecturer to more than twenty academic institutions such as Harvard, NYU and Cambridge. Academically, Jorge is an economist from the Wilkes Honors College, and a Visiting Fellow of the Abigail Adams Institute at Harvard.


If you would like to attend, please email events@iea.org.uk to register.