Oxbridge Training Day


  • 21/09/2022
    13:30 - 16:00
If you’re interested in attending Oxford or Cambridge, then you could benefit from our day of insight and information about Oxbridge life as we provide valuable advice on personal statements, interview dos and don’ts and topics worth investigating before your interview.

Our next Oxbridge Training Day will take place at the Institute of Economic Affair on 21st September 2022 both in person and virtually.

13.30 – 14.15 : Lectures vs seminars and how to get the most out of both

14.25 – 14.55 : Ask anything with current Oxbridge students

15.00 – 15.45 : The application process, personal statements, interview, and aptitude tests

To find out more and reserve your place, please email outreach@iea.org.uk

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