IEA Webinar with Grover Norquist: COVID 19 – Freedom vs Security: Security at any cost?


  • 12/05/2020
    18:00 - 19:00
The IEA will be hosting a webinar with Grover Norquist, Founder and President of Americans for Tax Reform, who will be discussing with us “Freedom vs Security: Security at any cost?”. This event will be chaired by Professor Syed Kamall, IEA Academic and Research Director, and will take place on Tuesday 12th May at 18:00 [BST].

Grover is a renowned American political strategist, author of four books and president of Americans for Tax Reform (ATR), a taxpayer advocacy group he founded in 1985 at President Reagan’s request. He will be discussing his views on the ongoing COVID-19 crisis; the choices governments are making between health security and economic and social freedom, and in what circumstances governments have – or may at some point in the future – lose the support of their populations (and why).

If you would like to register, please follow the link here.

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