IEA Book Club Event with Joanna Williams


  • 04/07/2022
    18:00 - 20:00
The IEA Book Club will be hosting an upcoming event with Joanna Williams on her latest book, “How the Woke Won: The Elitist Movement That Threatens Democracy, Tolerance, and Reason”This event will take place on Monday 4th July from 18:00 – 20:00 at the IEA Westminster offices. Chairing this event will be Marc Glendening (IEA Head of Cultural Affairs).

Joanna Williams is the author of How Woke Won (2022); Women vs Feminism (2017) and Academic Freedom in an Age of Conformity (2016). After more than a decade in academia, Joanna moved into the world of think tanks, working first at Policy Exchange and then Civitas. In 2020, she established her own think tank, Cieo. Joanna is a columnist for Spiked and writes regularly for a range of publications including The Times, The Spectator and The Telegraph. Joanna is a frequent contributor to GB News.

Wokeness has conquered our institutions. The worlds of politics, academia and even corporate capitalism now bend the knee to the new orthodoxies around gender, racism and identity. How Woke Won explores the intellectual roots of wokeness and how this movement, which poses as radical and left-wing, came to be embraced by some of the most privileged people imaginable. In this powerful critique, Joanna argues that anyone interested in building a truly free, egalitarian and democratic society needs to tackle wokeness head-on.

This event is exclusively for IEA Book Club members. For more information on the Book Club, please click the link here or get in touch at