IEA and Catholic Social Thought Project, St Mary’s University Screening and Panel Discussion: “The Hong Konger”


  • 06/07/2023
    18:00 - 21:00
The Institute of Economic Affairs and the Catholic Social Thought Project at St. Mary’s University are pleased to invite you to a film-showing of “The Hong Konger”.

The film is a moving and fascinating documentary about Jimmy Lai, who is an entrepreneur, newspaper publisher, Nobel Peace Prize nominee and Catholic convert and who, having escaped to Hong Kong as a child, has been imprisoned by the Chinese government for his pro-democracy activism. When Hong Kong’s basic freedoms came under attack Jimmy Lai bravely chose to defend freedom and suffered the consequences. The film is produced by the Acton Institute who have kindly agreed to this public showing.

The event will take place on 6th July at the Institute of Economic Affairs, 2 Lord North Street, London, SW1P 3LB from 6pm – 9pm.

The programme is as follows:

6pm:                   Drinks reception and popcorn to be served.

6:30pm:              Introduction.

6:35pm:              Film screening.

7:50pm:             Panel discussion on themes of the film. Panellists will include human rights activist Benedict Rogers, Fr. Robert Sirico (President emeritus of the Acton Institute and alumnus of St. Mary’s University), chaired by Lord Kamall, Professor of International Relations at St. Mary’s University.

8:30pm:              Closing and drinks reception resume.

9pm:                    Formal proceedings end.

Please note that spaces are limited for this event and therefore we are operating on a first come first serve basis regarding RSVPs.  If you wish to book a place, please RSVP to or call 020 7799 8900.

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