Hayek Lecture 2018


  • 14/11/2018
    18:30 - 20:30
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We’re delighted to announce that renowned author Matt Ridley will give this year’s Hayek Memorial Lecture.

Matt’s books – which include The Rational Optimist and The Evolution of Everything – have sold over a million copies and been translated into 31 languages. His TED talk “When Ideas Have Sex” has been viewed more than two million times.

During his distinguished career, he’s worked for The Economist as science editor, Washington correspondent and American editor. As Viscount Ridley, he was elected to the House of Lords in February 2013 and has served on its science and technology committee.

Matt’s lecture – entitled How Many Light Bulbs Does It Take To Change The World? – will look at the crucial role of innovation in modern society, and examine the conditions and circumstances that lead to breakthrough moments.

It will take place from 6.30pm on Wednesday November 14 at Church House Conference Centre, Westminster.

Tickets are sure to be in much demand for this fascinating event. To reserve your free ticket, please email hayek@iea.org.uk NOW!