Does English Football Need an Independent Regulator?


  • 21/03/2022
    17:00 - 19:00
Speakers: Victoria Hewson (Chair), Damian Collins MP, Jonathan Gullis MP, Simon Jordan (former Chairman, Crystal Palace), Professor Len Shackleton

Date & Time: Monday 21 March, 5-7pm followed by a drinks reception

On Monday, the Institute of Economic Affairs will be publishing Red Card – a new briefing paper exploring the arguments for and against the recommendations of the recent Fan Led Review of Football Governance.

The Review sees the main purposes of a new independent regulator (IREF) being to ensure financial stability, a bigger role for fans in influencing business decisions, and improvements to governance.

But this new report casts doubt on the need for and advantages of a new state-mandated regulatory system. Its authors express concern that the Review did not attempt a cost-benefit analysis. The government, the report argues, should not have rushed to endorse the Review’s findings without better evidence of the claimed benefits and consideration of the associated costs.

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