COVID-19: WHO is to blame?


  • 16/04/2020
    18:00 - 19:00
The IEA is delighted to host a Private Webinar with Patrick Basham, who will share with us the contents of his explosive new paper “COVID-19: WHO is to blame?”

The World Health Organization (WHO) – the United Nations’ public health agency- has a mandate to establish global health policy, coordinate global responses to health emergencies, and combat disease.

But just how well has WHO performed in relation to Covid-19?

With a US$2 billion annual budget could it have done better? Did it make the right decisions? Should it have intervened faster and firmer? Indeed, had it intervened in China earlier could the whole pandemic have been averted? These and other questions will be considered by Patrick Basham and our invited audience.

Patrick Basham directs the Democracy Institute, a politically independent think tank operating out of Washington and London. He is a global consultant on corporate strategy, branding, social media, economic regulation and advertising. In 2016, he was the only public pollster to predict both Brexit and Donald Trump’s Electoral College victory. He appears regularly on American, British, Canadian and Chinese TV and radio programs.

This webinar is an invitation-only, private event, but if you would like to apply for a place, please email

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