Beesley Lectures 2018 | 2: Behavioural science in water and energy markets: lessons for evidence-based policy making


  • 10/10/2018 - 12/10/2018
    18:30 - 20:45
LECTURE 2 | 10 October

Behavioural science in water and energy markets: lessons for evidence-based policy making

Lecturer: Robert Hahn, Visiting Professor, Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, University of Oxford

Respondent: Alex Plant, Regulation Director, Anglian Water

Now in their twenty-seventh year, The Beesley Lectures were founded by Professor Michael Beesley, one of the most influential regulatory economists of his time. Held in partnership with the Institute of Economic Affairs and the Centre for Competition and Regulatory Policy at City, University of London, the series attracts the foremost thinkers in government, industry and academia.

The lectures cover the latest developments in energy, water, transport, telecoms and banking regulation as well as competition policy. This year’s series comes at a time of a changing political climate, with the prospect of Brexit, a more interventionist Government and an opposition proposing a return to public ownership for many industries.

The series attracted over 1000 attendees in 2017, including economists working for regulators, competition authorities, companies in regulated sectors or in consulting, as well as policy makers, academics and lawyers.

Evenings will begin at 6.30pm and delegates are encouraged to network over refreshments until 7pm, when the lecture will commence. A leading economist or industry figure will speak for one hour and a specialist will provide a 20-minute response before handing over to the audience for further discussion. Each lecture will end at 8.45pm followed by drinks and canapés to continue the discussion.

Click here for tickets and further information. 

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