IEA Past Events

  • Dec
  • 7

The Institute of Economic Affairs annual Christmas drinks

  •  07/12/2011
The Institute of Economic Affairs was delighted to have Andrew Neil as the guest speaker at this year’s annual Christmas drinks reception. (more…)


IEA, 2 Lord North Street, London, SW1 (door on Great Peter Street)

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  • Nov
  • 24

Join us at the IEA for this controversial panel discussion

  •  24/11/2011
The future of the EU looks extremely uncertain. On the one hand, there is pressure for fiscal integration as a result of the debt crisis; on the other hand, both the eurozone and the EU itself could collapse. An alternative scenario is that we muddle through but change the EU treaties to make the EU politically (more…)


IEA, 2 Lord North Street, London, SW1 (door on Great Peter Street)

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  • Nov
  • 23

A lunchtime student event

  •  23/11/2011
From furious reactions to the cartoons of Prophet Muhammad to the suppression of women, news from the Muslim world begs the question: is Islam incompatible with freedom? With an eye sympathetic to Western liberalism and Islamic theology, Turkish author Mustafa Akyol offers a positive answer in his new book, Islam without Extremes: A Muslim Case (more…)


IEA, 2 Lord North Street, London, SW1 (door on Great Peter Street)

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  • Nov
  • 22

A special evening event at the IEA

  •  22/11/2011
David Laws was Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury in 2002. He was re-elected in 2005 with a much increased majority, and was Shadow Secretary of State for Work and Pensions. In 2007 he was Shadow Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families. He was Chief Secretary to the Treasury in 2010. He is (more…)


IEA, 2 Lord North Street, London, SW1 (door on Great Peter Street)

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  • Nov
  • 10

The IEA is pleased to announce the 2011 Beesley Lectures

  •  10/11/2011
Speaker: Paul Dawson, Head of Regulatory Affairs, RWE Group Chair and Respondent: George Yarrow, Chairman, Regulatory Policy Institute As the UK is moving towards major reform of the electricity market, this lecture will examine the carbon price floor in detail, outlining how it will work, how it will interact with the other measures to be (more…)


Institute of Directors, Pall Mall, London

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  • Nov
  • 10

A special co-hosted lunch

  •  10/11/2011
Following publication of the Independent Commission on Banking’s final report, the IEA will co-host a special lunch with Bloomberg on the subject ‘Bank regulation after the ICB – for better or for worse?’. The event will be held at Bloomberg’s London headquarters. Speaking at the event are: Mark Littlewood, Director General, Institute of Economic Affairs (chair) (more…)


Bloomberg HQ, London

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  • Nov
  • 8

Keynes, Friedman and the New Crisis of Capitalism

  •  08/11/2011
In the 15 years to mid-2007 the world economy enjoyed unparalleled stability (the so-called “Great Moderation”), with steady growth and low inflation. But the period since mid-2007 (“the Great Recession”) has seen the worst macroeconomic turmoil since the 1930s. A dramatic plunge in trade, output and employment in late 2008 and 2009 has been followed (more…)


IEA, 2 Lord North Street, London, SW1 (door on Great Peter Street)

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  • Nov
  • 3

The IEA is pleased to announce the 2011 Beesley Lectures

  •  03/11/2011
Speaker: Sir Roy McNulty, Chairman, Rail Value for Money Study Chair and Respondent: Tom Winsor, Partner, White & Chase In this lecture Sir Roy will discuss the broad lessons from his recent review, including new incentive structures, devolved decision making, reviewing fare policies and structures and the role of the regulator in the rail industry. (more…)


Institute of Directors, Pall Mall, London

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  • Oct
  • 27

The IEA is pleased to announce the 2011 Beesley Lectures

  •  27/10/2011
Speaker: Nick Bosanquet, Professor of Health Policy, Imperial College and Chairman, Volterra Health Chair and Respondent: David Bennett, Chair, Monitor Determining an optimum solution to public health services is an especially sensitive topic, with Andrew Lansley’s initial suggestions currently under review. This lecture will discuss why reform is required, the role of competition in patient (more…)


Institute of Directors, Pall Mall, London

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  • Oct
  • 24

The 2011 Wincott Lecture

  •  24/10/2011
This year’s annual Wincott Foundation Lecture will be delivered by Andy Haldane Executive Director for Financial Stability, and member of the interim Financial Policy Committee, Bank of England “The Financial System: tails of the unexpected” The Lecture will be followed by a comment from Martin Wolf Chief Economics Commentator, Financial Times The Wincott Foundation seeks (more…)


Local Government House, Room 8.1, Smith Square, London SW1P 3HZ

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