EA Magazine Issue 3 (Spring 2014).

This third edition of EA looks at economic reform in India, price controls and our main article on the ‘debt iceberg’, the true scale of the government debt facing the developed world.

To download the entire magazine click here.


Running on Empty – Christopher J. Coyne and Rachel L. Coyne. Read the article here.

Briefing – recommended essential reading. Read the article here.

The French Correction – Veronique de Rugy. Read the article here.

The Big Chill: The staggering scale of the government debt iceberg – Jagadeesh Gokhale and Philip Booth. Read the article here.

India: A recipe for Growth – Jagdish Bhagwati. Read the article here.

Idealog: The best of the IEA blog – Kristian Niemietz, J.R. Sargent, Philip Booth. Read the articles here.

The Living Wage – Stan Siebert. Read the article here.

QE and the Rich – Tim Congdon. Read the article here.

Coase Work – Stephen Davies. Read the article here.

Doing Business: Singapore style – Steve Hanke. Read the article here.

Missing the point – Kristian Niemietz. Read the article here.

Soundbites – Razeem Sally on cities, James B. Stanfield on education, Chris Snowdon on sin taxes and Roger Bate on medicine. Read the articles here.

Book Reviews. Read here.