Trade, Development, and Immigration

IEA release report on the effect of a "No-Deal" Brexit on food supply

Today the Institute of Economic Affairs launches another briefing in its series of ‘no-deal’ Brexit Fear-Checkers to help separate theoretical risks from … Continue reading “Fears of empty supermarket shelves after no-deal Brexit are overblown, says new IEA briefing”
Society and Culture

The IEA reacts to Oxfam's inequality report

Commenting on Oxfam’s Its Public Good or Private Wealth? report on inequality, Associate Director at the Institute of Economic Affairs Kate Andrews … Continue reading “Oxfam’s obsession with the rich distracts from their aim of tackling poverty”
Trade, Development, and Immigration

IEA releases report on immigration policy post-Brexit

The UK’s approach to immigration policy is economically damaging, too restrictive when it comes to high-skilled workers and does not … Continue reading “UK should scrap net migration target & introduce two-lane immigration system post-Brexit, says new report”
Labour Market

IEA reacts to High Pay Centre analysis of executive pay

Commenting on the High Pay Centre’s analysis of executive pay released today, Mark Littlewood, Director General at the Institute of … Continue reading “‘Fat Cat Friday’ is a gimmick that distracts from the real issue of low pay”