Government and Institutions

IEA responds to the Queen's Speech

Commenting on the Queen’s Speech, Mark Littlewood, Director General at the Institute of Economic Affairs, said: “The Government’s commitment to preserve … Continue reading “IEA: Queen’s Speech focused on increasing “Government intervention”, ignoring role of markets”
Tax and Fiscal Policy

Mark Littlewood responds to the Prime Minister's party conference speech

Commenting on Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s speech to Conservative Party Conference, Director General at the Institute of Economic Affairs Mark … Continue reading “IEA: Prime Minister must pay more than just “lip service” to free markets and fiscal responsibility”
Tax and Fiscal Policy

Mark Littlewood responds to the Chancellor's party conference speech

Commenting on Sajid Javid’s speech to Conservative Party Conference, the Institute of Economic Affairs’s Director General Mark Littlewood said: “The … Continue reading “IEA: Chancellor’s speech a “mixed bag” of economic policies”
Government and Institutions

Kate Andrews responds to the Leader's speech at Labour Party Conference

Commenting on Jeremy Corbyn’s speech to Labour Party Conference, the Institute of Economic Affairs’s Associate Director Kate Andrews said: “Jeremy … Continue reading “IEA: Labour leader’s patent overhaul “likely to worsen” NHS problems”
Government and Institutions

IEA responds to Shadow Chancellor's speech at Labour Party Conference

Commenting on John McDonnell’s speech to Labour Party Conference, the Institute of Economic Affairs’s Academic and Research Director Prof Syed … Continue reading “IEA: Shadow Chancellor rejects free enterprise, promotes “tried and failed socialist ideology””