Energy and Environment

Limiting energy companies to offering just four tariffs is extremely misguided

Commenting on today’s government energy tariff announcements, Mark Littlewood, Director General at the Institute of Economic Affairs, said: “If the … Continue reading “Government plans for energy tariffs are a barrier to competition”
Government and Institutions

Preparations must be made for the orderly exit of a number of countries from the euro zone

Commenting on the news that the euro zone has fallen back into recession, Prof Philip Booth, Editorial Director of the … Continue reading “EU must redouble efforts to restore fiscal responsibility and break up the euro zone”
Trade, Development, and Immigration

Proliferation of western regulations are damaging developing countries

Developing countries need to focus urgently on the removal of non-tariff barriers if they are to promote trade and growth … Continue reading “Removing non-tariff barriers essential to help developing countries, new research shows”