Economic Theory

Remembering Rose Friedman


Economic Theory
Tax and Fiscal Policy
All of us who knew Milton Friedman can attest to the importance of Rose in so many ways it is hard to list. From an IEA perspective I recall the Friedmans living in 1750 Taylor Street, San Francisco, the very same building as IEA founder the late Sir Antony Fisher and his second wife Dorian.

The Fishers back then in the 1980s had a magnificent apartment overlooking the Bay from say the 18th floor or thereabouts. Milton often borrowed it for media filming and it was there that many of the young scholars and intellectuals visiting Antony to get his advice on how to start an IEA would have met Rose and Milton – and what a buzz that gave them.

I also recall standing down in the lobby of that same building talking with the doorman. Across the courtyard I could see a very big American car with a number plate MV PT, the classic monetary equation. I turned to the doorman and said “That must be Professor Friedman’s car!” “How on earth did you guess?” he replied.

Read about the life and achievements of Rose Friedman here.

2 thoughts on “Remembering Rose Friedman”

  1. Posted 01/09/2009 at 12:53 | Permalink

    The book that Rose and Milton Friedman co-authored, Free to Choose, is one of the best introductions to free-market economics and is still highly relevant today.

  2. Posted 01/09/2009 at 12:53 | Permalink

    The book that Rose and Milton Friedman co-authored, Free to Choose, is one of the best introductions to free-market economics and is still highly relevant today.

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