
Danny and the debt mountain

Government borrowing is currently running 10 per cent higher than last year – exemplifying the already parlous state of the UK’s public finances. However, the long-term implications of spending commitments on pensions and healthcare are still more worrying.

Drawing on research published in The Government Debt Iceberg, this ieaTV film looks at at the colossal scale of the problem – and outlines the crippling tax rises that would be needed to pay for the promises made by successive governments.

Director of Creative, Marketing & Development

Glynn Brailsford is the IEA’s Creative Director. He was formerly CEO of Los Angeles-based PROMAX&BDA, a not-for-profit association for marketing and design executives in television. Before that, he was a multi-award winning Creative Director for Channel 5, Discovery, Nickelodeon and Yorkshire Television, where he launched some of Britain’s most successful programmes. He started out in print journalism before moving into radio and TV, where he produced programmes in news, sport, entertainment and politics.

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