Kristian Niemietz

Kristian's Expertise

Intelligence & Thought Leadership

  • How Hayek’s “Road to Serfdom” became relevant again

    Kristian Niemietz

    On 17 and 18 July, the Vinson Centre at Buckingham University held its annual “Conference in the Classical Liberal Tradition”. … Continue reading "How Hayek’s “Road to Serfdom” became relevant again"

  • Housing vs farmland: how to get the balance right?

    Kristian Niemietz

    One of the most bizarre responses I often get when I argue for more housebuilding is that Britain shouldn’t build … Continue reading "Housing vs farmland: how to get the balance right?"

  • Clearing up some misunderstandings about housing targets

    Kristian Niemietz

    This week, the new government announced to bring back mandatory housing targets. It is not an especially radical measure. Those … Continue reading "Clearing up some misunderstandings about housing targets"

  • Why Britain should not be proud of the NHS

    Kristian Niemietz

    On 24 June, Sacred Cows, a debating society which organises talks on controversial subjects, held an event entitled “Why Britain … Continue reading "Why Britain should not be proud of the NHS"

  • Brexit wasn’t worth it

    Kristian Niemietz

    In the run-up to the 2016 EU Referendum, people at the IEA and in its wider orbit were having lively … Continue reading "Brexit wasn’t worth it"

  • A review of the election manifestos: healthcare

    Kristian Niemietz

    On healthcare, the party manifestos make for some dreary reading. They remain almost entirely stuck in the current NHS orthodoxy. … Continue reading "A review of the election manifestos: healthcare"

  • Classics revisited: “The Housing Question” by Friedrich Engels (1872)

    Kristian Niemietz

    “A multimillion-pound luxury penthouse flat named after the revolutionary socialist thinker Friedrich Engels is the latest example of Manchester repurposing … Continue reading "Classics revisited: “The Housing Question” by Friedrich Engels (1872)"

  • Why the political Right needs to overcome its obsession with immigration

    Kristian Niemietz

    First things first. I believe that the vast majority of the people who want to cut net migration are neither … Continue reading "Why the political Right needs to overcome its obsession with immigration"

  • The Economics of National Service

    Kristian Niemietz

    National Service, another failed idea that never dies, is in the news again. It would be tempting to dismiss the … Continue reading "The Economics of National Service"

  • Colonialism – the foundation of Western prosperity?

    Kristian Niemietz

    On 28 May, the IEA hosted the panel discussion “Colonialism – the foundation of Western prosperity?”, on the subject of … Continue reading "Colonialism – the foundation of Western prosperity?"