Daniel Freeman

Daniel's Expertise

Intelligence & Thought Leadership

  • In defence of VAT on private school fees

    Daniel Freeman

    Private schools are, on the whole, a good thing. They give parents greater choice in their children’s education, provide the … Continue reading "In defence of VAT on private school fees"

  • With Navalny’s death, Putin’s Russia enters its darkest phase

    Daniel Freeman

    On Thursday February 15, Alexei Navalny appeared via video link for a court hearing. Despite having spent three years in … Continue reading "With Navalny’s death, Putin’s Russia enters its darkest phase"

  • How to solve a problem like inflation

    Daniel Freeman

    After three decades of relative price stability, inflation has returned with a vengeance to the world’s advanced economies. The trend … Continue reading "How to solve a problem like inflation"

  • Let’s brain-drain Russia

    Daniel Freeman

    September has not been a good month for Vladimir Putin. It opened with a Ukrainian offensive which broke Russian defences … Continue reading "Let’s brain-drain Russia"