Alex Lee

Acting Development Director
020 7799 8906
Alex started at the IEA as a General Intern in 2018. He officially joined the IEA in 2019 working for the Development Department, notably through managing all fundraising events. He then upskilled and trained as a fundraiser, and now has experience in managing all donor revenue streams, from individuals, corporates, and foundations & trusts. Alex was the grant lead for the IEA’s application to the 2021 Atlas Network Templeton Freedom Award, which saw the IEA reach the finals of the award for its project “Making a Free Trade Champion”.

Within his role, he leads on securing corporate event sponsorship, funding for research workstreams, as well as raising contributions towards the IEA’s educational programme – notably the Student Opportunity Fund. In 2019, Alex conceived the IEA Book Club, which is now managed by the Development team.

Currently, he leads the Development Department as the Acting Development Director, with the main responsibility of overseeing the IEA’s fundraising strategy, programmes, reporting to leadership, and managing the team.

Alex read MSc. Global Governance and Ethics at University College London in 2018. Before that, he read BSc Business Management at King’s College London in the years 2014-17.

He is originally from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


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