A new generation is learning the same old lesson – prohibition doesn’t work

Christopher Snowdon writes for CapX

A century after the US began its disastrous experiment with alcohol prohibition, it seems that every generation has to learn the lessons for itself. Prohibition does not prohibit – drinkers keep drinking and smokers keep smoking – but it enriches criminals, robs governments of tax revenue, corrupts institutions and puts people out of work, writes Christopher Snowdon in CapX.  Read the article in full here.

Christopher recently hosted a webinar on Prohibition and the Pandemic. Watch here.

1 thought on “A new generation is learning the same old lesson – prohibition doesn’t work”

  1. Posted 08/06/2020 at 07:50 | Permalink

    Prohibition of life itself is being demanded by goverents, this is a huge experiment waiting to have the same disastrous consequences as for alkahol?
    The thought of an ever increasing national debt is OK ,along with an endless supply of money and all Natural resources, fails to be understood and acted upon..
    We must now grasp this moment to fundamentally change the economic and Democratic laws to place NATURE at the center of all decision making.

    All Natural resources are finite, and all living life on the planet is vulnerable, including mankind, you and me, we must NOW start the reversal of Climate Change and Ecocide.

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