Economic Affairs

Economic Affairs (Vol 36.1)



New IEA briefing explains the economic principles of the sharing economy

Housing and Planning

New IEA briefing identifies causes of housing crisis & suggests solutions
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  • Introduction (page 1)

  • Is The Television Licence fee fit for Purpose in the Digital Era? (pages 2–20) by Helen Weeds

  • The Economic Impact and Civic Pride Effects of Sports Teams and Mega-Events: Do The Public and the Professionals Agree? (pages 21–32) by Peter A. Groothuis and Kurt W. Rotthoff

  • Energy Policy: The Return of the Regulatory State (pages 33–47) by Colin Robinson

  • Some Reflections on the Ubiquity of Regulation (pages 48–55) by Forrest Capie and Geoffrey Wood

  • The Thirteenth-Century Economics of Thomas Aquinas (pages 56–63) by Benedikt Koehler

  • Safeguarding Children: Ofsted and Regulatory Failure (pages 64–79) by Barrie M. Craven and James N. Tooley

  • Discussion:  Tax Increment Financing: Incentivising Real Estate Development Through The Public Sector (pages 80–83) by Adam Baldwin

  • Discussion: Comparing Real GDP Across Countries: Comment and Rejoinder : Comment: There can be no Single ‘True’ Method for Intercountry Comparisons of Real Product and Income (pages 84–88) by Jean Baneth

  • Rejoinder: Measuring and Comparing Real GDP (pages 88–90) by David Henderson

  • Discussion: Picking Up the Gauntlet: Richard Thaler’s Defence of Behavioural Economics (pages 91–101) by Paul Ormerod

  • Reviews (pages 103-113)

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