
Not restricting Uber is a victory for competition


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Government and Institutions

Reaction to TfL announcement today

Commenting on TfL’s announcement today that they have thrown out a number of proposals that would have imposed restrictions on Uber’s car hire business Diego Zuluaga, the IEA’S Financial Services Research Fellow said:

“TfL’s announcement is good news for competition, variety and innovation in the London transport market. The regulator’s concern, first and foremost, should be the welfare of passengers, not the protection of incumbent transport providers. But, as our consultation submission made clear, the proposed rules would have curtailed competition and made consumers worse off, with little apparent benefit to Londoners.

“Recent developments in passenger transport, such as ride-sharing and the rise of mobile apps, have highlighted the potential for innovation to increase choice and improve outcomes in the absence of choking regulation. At a time when technology is radically changing our lives for the better, regulatory restraint should guide all public authorities.”

Notes to Editors:

To arrange an interview, please contact Nerissa Chesterfield, Communications Officer: or 020 7799 8920

To read the full briefing on Private Hire Regulations click here.

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