Venue:IEA, 2 Lord North Street, London, SW1 (door on Great Peter Street)
Keynote Speech: The Rt Hon Dr Liam Fox MP
- 19/10/2015
The title of the speech will be: “The Road to Honest Money”
In his speech, Dr Fox will highlight what he sees to be the right approach for the UK economy, including examining:
- the severe risks and unintended consequences associated with the extraordinary monetary policy measures pursued since the global financial crisis;
- the spending restraint and reform of age-related entitlements required to improve the UK’s bleak long-term fiscal outlook
Fox will map out his ideas to return us to sound money and sustainable public finances.
RSVP: reception@iea.org.uk or 0207 799 8900.
Venue:IEA, 2 Lord North Street, London, SW1 (door on Great Peter Street)