
The focus of welfare reform must be broader for substantial savings


Markets and Morality

Philip Booth responds to the papal encyclical

Press Release

New report debunks the myth that positive social and economic outcomes in Scandinavia are a result of a generous welfare state and high taxes

Mark Littlewood calls for politicians to be bold, but fair when it comes to welfare reform

Commenting on David Cameron’s speech on welfare reform, Mark Littlewood, Director General at the Institute of Economic Affairs, said:

“With the government still borrowing £75 billion each year, and an ageing population only set to increase pressure on the public purse as pensions and healthcare spending grow, making savings in the welfare budget is a responsible and economically sound decision.

“The composition of the cuts, however, looks set to be extremely unfair on the working-age population. Pensioners – through policies such as the triple-lock on pensions and generous universal benefits – have largely been protected from austerity. It’s time for that burden to be shared.

“The government is certainly right to consider fundamental tax credit reform. Whilst important for getting cash to relatively poor families, tax credits discourage people from earning more money by creating high effective marginal tax rates, leading to bunching around part-time work hours. They could be reformed in a way which encourages full-time work. But simply salami slicing the value of tax credits will hit certain households hard without creating this positive dynamic.”

Notes to editors:

To arrange an interview please contact: Stephanie Lis, Head of Communications: 07766 221 268, slis@iea.org.uk

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