Post-Election Conference


  • 11/05/2015
We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.
This afternoon in the immediate aftermath of the General Election, the Institute of Economic Affairs, Business for Britain, ConservativeHome and the TaxPayers’ Alliance will be hosting a major conference to consider the implications of the result on the next five years.

With the internal politics of the Coalition now a thing of the past, we will examine the likely consequences of the Election and the future direction of a Conservative majority government. We will hold a series of panel discussions and host a variety of keynote speakers.

Speakers include:

  • Lord Ashcroft KCMG PC, former Conservative Peer and pollster, who will deliver an opening presentation

  • Rt Hon Dr Liam Fox MP, Former Secretary of State for Defence

  • Rt Hon Lord Forsyth of Drumlean, Former Secretary of State for Scotland

  • Rt Hon Matthew Hancock MP, Minister of State at BIS and DECC

  • Rt Hon Elizabeth Truss MP, Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

  • Graham Brady MP, Chairman, 1922 Committee

  • Douglas Carswell MP, UKIP, Clacton

  • Dr Syed Kamall MEP, Leader of the European Conservatives and Reformists in the European

  • Dominic Raab MP, Conservative, Esher and Walton

  • Stephen Bush, Editor of the Staggers, New Statesman

  • Matthew Elliott, Chief Executive, Business for Britain, and Founder, TaxPayers’ Alliance

  • Paul Goodman, Editor, ConservativeHome

  • Matthew Goodwin, Co-author, Revolt on the Right, and Associate Professor of Politics at the University of Nottingham

  • Jonathan Isaby, Chief Executive, TaxPayers’ Alliance

  • Mark Littlewood, Director General, Institute of Economic Affairs

  • Iain Martin, Editor, CapX

  • Tim Montgomerie, Columnist, The Times, and Founder, ConservativeHome

  • Fraser Nelson, Editor, The Spectator

  • Laura Sandys, former Conservative MP for South Thanet and Chair of the European Movement

Discussions include:

  • Scotland and the future of the Union

  • The Campaign in Review

  • Prospects for change in the EU

  • Priorities for the Parliament

The event is fully subscribed. If you did not register in time for you can still watch the whole conference online here. Tweet with the hashtag #pec15