Brexit event: Directions for Britain – in or out of the EU

The IEA hosted an event to discuss what Britain should do in the event of the UK voting to leave the European Union.

If Britain does chose to leave the EU there are some important questions that must be answered:

  • How should we go about the separation process?

  • What should our ongoing relationship with the remaining EU countries be?

  • What should our international priorities be in the weeks and months following the referendum and separation?; and

  • Where should Britain stand on issues including trade, supranational governance, immigration, the environment, financial regulation, defence etc?

To discuss these and other questions, we were delighted to welcome:

  • Dr Gerard Lyons, Chief Economic Advisor to the Mayor of London and author of “The Europe Report: A win-win situation”;

  • Douglas Carswell, UKIP MP for Clacton;

  • Ronald Stewart-Brown, Director, the Trade Policy Research Centre;

  • David Campbell-Bannerman, Conservative MEP for the East of England.