Lunch Event with the Hon Joe Hockey, Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Australia


  • 13/10/2014
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More than two years ago, the Hon. Joe Hockey MP, as shadow treasurer, addressed the IEA on the “The End of the Age of Entitlement”.  Now 12 months into government, the Australian Treasurer Joe Hockey will present his views on current global economic developments and policy challenges ahead. 

Sandwich Lunch: 12.30pm – 1pm

Speech and Q&A: 1pm – 2pm

About The Hon Joe Hockey MP, Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Australia

Joe Hockey was sworn in as Treasurer on 18 September 2013. Mr Hockey was first elected to the Australian Parliament in 1996 and following his re-election in 1998, was made Minister for Financial Services and Regulation. He has since held a number of Ministerial portfolios including Small Business and Tourism, Human Services and Employment and Workplace Relations. Following the 2007 Federal Election Mr Hockey held a number of senior Shadow Ministry portfolios before being appointed Shadow Treasurer in February 2009. Prior to entering politics, Mr Hockey was a banking and finance lawyer with a major Australian law firm. He was also Director of Policy to the Premier of New South Wales.

RSVP: via or on 0207 799 8900.