European Elections Ahead – What is next for the Union?


  • 31/03/2014
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What direction will the states of Europe take following the May elections?

Panel discussion followed by drinks reception.

The European Parliament and Commission formed after the May election will profoundly shape the future of European policy, from immigration to energy and the single market. How will the policy agenda change, and what are the implications for Europe’s long-term future? Watch a high-level panel of international experts discuss the continent’s current plight and the reforms needed to put the states of Europe on a path to growth and prosperity.

This panel discussion is part of a series of events held as part of the London edition of the Free Market Road Show 2014, hosted by the Institute of Economic Affairs and the TaxPayers’ Alliance in cooperation with the Austrian Economics Center. Throughout the day, prominent policy-makers, academics, politicians and journalists will discuss the key challenges facing Europe and explain why free-market solutions are essential to tackle them.


  • Mark Littlewood (Chair), Director General, Institute of Economic Affairs

  • Dan Mitchell, tax policy expert and Senior Fellow, Cato Institute (USA)

  • Joao Marques de Almeida, former member of the Cabinet of European Commission President J.M. Barroso

  • Ralf Boeckle, London representative of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance

  • Dr Steve Davies, Director of Education, Institute of Economic Affairs

RSVP: via email or on 0207 799 8900