Torch of Liberty: Can the Conservative Party rediscover its love of freedom?


  • 29/09/2024
    15:30 - 17:00
The last government occasionally paid homage to individual freedom, but pursued heavy-handed policies from seeking to ban tobacco for future generations to new online speech regulations and harsh Covid lockdowns. Their approach to issues like Net Zero and the NHS prioritised central planning over individual choice or market incentives, all while imposing a record-high tax burden. This raises the question: can the Conservatives rediscover their love of freedom in opposition?


  • Reem Ibrahim, Institute of Economic Affairs, Acting Director of Communications and Linda Whetstone Scholar (Chair)

  • Dr. Christopher Snowdon, Institute of Economic Affairs, Head of Lifestyle Economics

  • Lord David Frost, Conservative Party, Member of the House of Lords

  • Tom Clougherty, Institute of Economic Affairs, Executive Director

  • Rt Hon Esther McVey, Conservative, MP

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