Trade, Development, and Immigration

Aid Money Spent in Areas Richer than Parts of the UK

IEA research featured in The Sun

Robin Hood in Reverse, new IEA research by Mark Tovey showing that UK taxpayers have funded projects in areas of China, Mexico, and Malaysia that are wealthier than parts of the UK, has been featured in The Sun.

The article said:

“Foreign aid cash has been branded ‘Robin Hood in reverse’ as it is being spent in areas richer than parts of the UK, a study has found.

“Wealthy regions of China, Malaysia and Mexico have benefited from taxpayers’ money to fund their own projects over the past five years.

“Those include an all-female opera in Shanghai, an AI anti-congestion measure located in Kuala Lumpur, as well as a temporary cycle lane that was set up in Mexico City.

“The report, by the Institute for Economic Affairs, said that one of the areas in China to get funds — Ordos — has a GDP the same level as Swansea and was richer than 69 UK regions.”

Read the full article here.

The paper was also featured in The Daily Express, GB News, MSN, The Daily Mail, Yahoo!, and Mahalsa.

Read a full copy of Robin Hood in Reverse: Foreign aid spending in regions that are richer than parts of the UK.

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