
Time to Front Up About the Cost of Red Tape



Kristian Niemietz quoted in The Telegraph


Matthew Lesh quoted in Guido Fawkes

IEA research referenced in Money Week

Research on the uncosted regulatory commitments of the main British political parties, by IEA Director of Public Policy and Communications Matthew Lesh, has been referenced in Money Week.

The article said:

“Both the Labour and Tory party manifestos this year had swelled to more than 26,000 words . Among all that verbiage, including that in the manifestos of the other parties , lurked a total of 361 uncosted policies that would increase the regulatory burden on business , as Matthew Lesh points out for the Institute of Economic Affairs-policies that are likely to have far larger economic impacts than any of the proposed fiscal changes.”

Read the full article in Money Week (05/07/2024, p.18-19).

You can also read a full copy of Shadow Expenses: Uncosted Regulatory Burdens in Election Manifestos.

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