Lifestyle Economics

Lower Drink Drive Limit Won’t Save Lives



Kristian Niemietz quoted in The Telegraph

Christopher Snowdon quoted in The Times

IEA Head of Lifestyle Economics Christopher Snowdon has been quoted in The Times commenting on calls from the British Medical Association (BMA) to reduce the drink-diving limit to the equivalent of one small glass of wine or beer.

Christopher said:

“Lowering the limit to 50mg per 100ml has already been tried in Scotland but failed to have any impact on road accidents. Two rigorous studies evaluated it and found no positive effect.

“It is easy to see why. Drink-driving accidents typically involve people who are well over the limit and they will only be deterred by proper enforcement of the law, not by tinkering with the existing limit.”

Read the full piece in The Times (18/06/2024, p.4).

Christopher was also quoted in The Sun (18/06/2024, p.2), The Daily Telegraph, The Daily Mail, The Drinks Business, and LBC.

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