
Liberalise Planning and the Labour Market to Boost Social Mobility


In the Media

Tom Clougherty quoted in The Observer

In the Media

Julian Jessop quoted in The i

IEA Research featured in CapX

George Mason University Assistant Professor of Economics Vincent Geloso has written for CapX discussing new IEA research he co-authored which argues that planning and labour market restrictions are undermining social mobility in the UK.

Vincent wrote:

“The most commonly cited remedy to inequality is higher taxes and greater redistribution through welfare and public services. These well-intentioned policies are meant to create more opportunities for upwards socio-economic mobility.

“While high taxes may fund programs that can help people from lower income backgrounds access new opportunities, they create weak incentives for wealth creation and lower economic growth – both of which actively repel mobility.

“Liberalising the planning system and occupational licensing would promote social mobility by expanding the range of economic opportunities that people can pursue.”

Read Vincent’s full piece here.

You can also read a copy of Wealth Generation: How to Boost Income Mobility in the UK here.

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