Tax and Fiscal Policy

Chancellor’s Budget ‘Should Prioritise Economic Impact’


In the Media

Christopher Snowdon quoted in The Times


Tom Clougherty quoted in The Observer

IEA Executive Director Tom Clougherty has commented in The Observer on this week’s Budget.

Tom said:

“Given fiscal headroom, the chancellor should prioritise reforms that will have a lasting economic impact over pre-election giveaways. Some technical changes to corporation tax and business rates would help, but abolishing distortionary and destructive stamp duties – or cutting them as much as possible – should top the wish list.

Hunt should not hand his successor a budgetary black hole. Keeping public spending flat in real, per capita terms is fine – but it must be accompanied by reform. Starving public services of resources while doing nothing to make them more productive is a key failure of the last decade.”

Read Tom’s full comment here.

Read Tom’s full analysis ahead of the Budget: Stagnating Economy Looms Over the Budget, says IEA Executive Director.

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