Lifestyle Economics

Government Approach to Vaping ‘An Incoherent Mess’


In the Media

Tom Clougherty quoted in The i

In the Media

Tom Clougherty quoted in The Observer

Christopher Snowdon quoted in The Times

IEA Head of Lifestyle Economics Christopher Snowdon has been quoted in The Times criticising a reported vape ban, set to be introduced at the upcoming Budget.

The article said:

“Christopher Snowdon, head of lifestyle economics at the Institute of Economic Affairs, a free market think tank, has said, citing a study of e-cigarette taxes in eight American states, that ‘the evidence from other countries shows that it leads to more cigarette sales and more smoking’. Snowdon called the government’s approach to vaping ‘an incoherent mess’.”

Read the full article here.

Read Christopher’s full response to the vape tax reports here.

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