Housing and Planning

‘No-fault’ eviction ban will hurt landlords and renters


In the Media

IEA research referenced in The Independent

Christopher Snowdon writes for The Spectator

IEA Head of Lifestyle Economics Christopher Snowdon has written for The Spectator criticising the government’s proposals for a ban on Section 21 (so-called ‘no-fault’) evictions.

Christopher wrote:

“It will strike a blow to property rights in much the same way as Sunak’s weird, creeping tobacco ban will strike a blow to personal liberty. The majority of the population will be unaffected by either of these policies, but they are symbolic of a party that has lost its principles, if it ever had any.

“It could also lead to landlords becoming even more fussy about who they allow to rent their properties.

“By using the rhetoric of ‘no fault evictions’, campaigners have given the impression that landlords are evicting tenants on a whim before their contract has expired. That would be illegal and it is not what is happening. Once the contract has expired, either party is free to walk away. That is how contract law is supposed to work and there is no reason to make an exception for rental properties.”

Read Christopher’s full piece here.

In October 2023, IEA Editorial Director Kristian Niemietz also wrote in The Spectator criticising the proposals, arguing that a shortage of housing is primarily responsible for high rents and landlord power.

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