Housing and Planning

Tinkering will not fix a broken planning system



Matthew Lesh interviewed by Estonian public broadcaster

Commenting on Michael Gove’s speech outlining the new National Planning Policy Framework, Matthew Lesh, Director of Public Policy and Communications at the free market think tank, the Institute of Economic Affairs, said:

“Tougher action on blocker councils, expediting infrastructure upgrades and building 150,000 new homes around Cambridge are welcome and important steps. But today’s announcements largely tinker around the margins rather than fix a broken system. 

“Local objections will still carry disproportionate weight in the planning process. Letting councils with green belts or concerns about local character off the hook will reduce house building. The ‘renters reform,’ along with continued environmental and building red tape, reduces development and pushes up house prices and rent.

“Britain’s broken planning system is a straightjacket on our prosperity. Without an honest, fundamental reassessment, the promise of home ownership will continue becoming more remote for more people.”


Notes to Editors

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