Trade, Development, and Immigration

Migration is an opportunity, not a concern


In the Media

Julian Jessop quoted in The Sunday Times

Matthew Lesh writes for CapX

IEA Director of Public Policy and Communications Matthew Lesh has written for CapX, discussing the true impact of migration on Britain’s prosperity.

Matthew wrote:

“Immigrants are younger and tend to work, reducing the fiscal strain of an ageing population. A UCL study concluded that between 2000 and 2011, immigrants on net contributed £25bn to public finances while the contribution of UK natives was negative, costing £617bn. 

“None of this is to suggest that immigration doesn’t also come with costs as well as benefits. Integration needs to be considered. A successful immigrant society will depend on cultural confidence in Britain’s liberal values. Immigrants must be expected to respect institutions like the rule of law, democracy and individual rights.”

Read Matthew’s full piece here.

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